Compression Glove Manufacturer in China

We have many years of supply and after-sales experience

Wecare is a trustworthy compression gloves manufacturer in china. The primary advantage of our compression gloves is that they can help improve circulation in the hands and fingers.
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Compression Glove Supplier

• Extensive Range: We offer a diverse selection of compression gloves to cater to various needs, ensuring customers find the perfect fit for their requirements.
• Superior Quality: Our compression gloves are crafted with precision and undergo rigorous testing, guaranteeing durability, functionality, and comfort.
• Customization: We provide personalized solutions, allowing customers to customize their compression gloves according to size, color, and design preferences.
• Exceptional Service: Our team is dedicated to providing outstanding customer service, ensuring a seamless and satisfactory experience for all our clients.

Why Choose Us

Competitive Price
We have our own factory, all products can offer ex-factory price.
High Standard Products
Guarantee the production of high-quality products.
Fast Delivery
Fast production, ships within a week of receiving the order
Quality Assured
Whole process inspection to ensure product quality
We accept orders of any size, the larger the order, the greater the discount and guaranteed speed of delivery.
Technical Support
Provide 7*24 hours customer service and quick response, as well as perfect technical support
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Our Certificates


What types of sports protective gear do you manufacture?
We manufacture a wide range of sports protective gear including helmets, knee pads, elbow pads, shin guards, and wrist guards.
Are your products certified for safety and quality standards?
Yes, all our products undergo rigorous testing and are certified to meet the highest safety and quality standards in the industry.
How can I determine the right size for my sports protective gear?
We provide detailed size charts for each product to help you choose the right size. Simply measure the circumference of the relevant body part and refer to the size chart for guidance.
Can I customize the design or color of the sports protective gear?
Yes, we offer customization options for certain products. Please contact our customer support team for more information on customization and personalization options.
How long does it take to receive an order placed on your website?
The delivery time may vary depending on your location and the product availability. Typically, orders are processed and shipped within 1-2 business days. You will receive a confirmation email with tracking information once your order is shipped.

Choose Professional Compression Gloves Manufacturers and Suppliers

As a leading china arthritis compression gloves manufacturer, we can help you provide more affordable compression gloves. Our reliable quality can help you expand your business.

What is a Compression Glove?

A compression glove is a specialized garment designed to apply gentle pressure to the hands and fingers. It is usually made of stretchy and breathable fabric that provides a snug fit to the hand. The compression applied by the glove helps improve blood circulation and reduce inflammation, offering relief from various hand-related ailments.


How Do Compression Gloves Work?

Compression gloves work on the principle of applying graduated pressure to the hands. The pressure is highest at the fingers and gradually decreases towards the wrist. This design aids in promoting blood flow back to the heart, reducing fluid buildup, and easing discomfort.


Benefits of Compression Gloves

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◆ Relieving Arthritis Pain

Compression gloves are highly beneficial for individuals suffering from arthritis. The gentle pressure applied to the affected joints helps reduce pain and stiffness, allowing individuals to perform daily tasks with greater ease.


◆ Reducing Swelling and Inflammation

Hand swelling and inflammation can occur due to various reasons, such as overuse or medical conditions. Compression gloves can effectively alleviate swelling by improving lymphatic drainage and reducing excess fluid retention.


◆ Enhancing Circulation

Compression gloves improve blood circulation in the hands, which is essential for faster healing and better overall hand health. Proper blood flow also aids in delivering oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and tissues.


◆ Promoting Muscle Recovery

For athletes or individuals engaged in physical activities, compression gloves can help in muscle recovery by reducing muscle soreness and fatigue. The increased circulation speeds up the removal of metabolic waste products from the muscles.


◆ Improving Grip and Dexterity

Compression gloves offer additional support and stability to the hands, leading to improved grip strength and dexterity. This can be particularly beneficial for tasks that require precision and fine motor skills.


Types of Compression Gloves

Compression gloves come in different styles to cater to various needs:

◆ Fingerless Compression Gloves

Fingerless compression gloves provide compression to the palm and wrist while leaving the fingers exposed. These gloves are ideal for those who require extra support without compromising finger mobility, such as typing or playing musical instruments.


◆ Full Finger Compression Gloves

Full finger compression gloves cover the entire hand and fingers, providing comprehensive compression and support. These gloves are recommended for individuals with severe hand pain or swelling.


Who Can Benefit from Compression Gloves?

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Compression gloves are beneficial for a wide range of individuals:

• Office workers who spend long hours typing or using a computer mouse.

• Athletes engaged in repetitive hand motions.

• Individuals suffering from arthritis, carpal tunnel syndrome, or joint pain.

• Those with swelling or edema in the hands.

• People recovering from hand injuries or surgeries.


Choosing the Right Compression Glove

Selecting the appropriate compression glove is crucial for achieving maximum benefits:

◆ Material

Compression gloves are commonly made from materials like spandex, nylon, or a blend of fabrics. Choose a glove that feels comfortable and breathable on your skin.

◆ Size and Fit

Ensure you choose the right size to achieve the proper compression effect. A glove that is too tight may restrict blood flow, while an excessively loose glove may not provide the desired support.

◆ Compression Level

Compression gloves come in different compression levels, ranging from mild to firm. Consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate compression level for your specific condition.


How to Wear Compression Gloves Properly?

To get the most out of your compression gloves, follow these steps:

1) Wash your hands before putting on the gloves to maintain hygiene.

2) Gently slide each finger into its respective finger sleeve.

3) Smoothly pull the glove up towards the wrist, ensuring it fits snugly without causing discomfort.


Proper Care and Maintenance of Compression Gloves

Taking care of your compression gloves is essential to prolong their lifespan:

1) Hand wash the gloves with mild soap and cold water.

2) Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach.

3) Air dry the gloves, away from direct sunlight or heat sources.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Are compression gloves suitable for all ages?

Yes, compression gloves can benefit individuals of all ages, especially those experiencing hand discomfort or swelling.

2. Can compression gloves be worn overnight?

It is generally safe to wear compression gloves overnight if recommended by a healthcare professional.

3. How long should I wear compression gloves each day?

The duration of wearing compression gloves depends on your specific condition and doctor's advice. Follow the recommended guidelines for optimal results.

4. Can I wash compression gloves in a washing machine?

It is advisable to hand wash compression gloves to maintain their integrity and effectiveness.

5. Can compression gloves help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

Compression gloves can help alleviate symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome by reducing swelling and pressure on the median nerve.

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China Brace Manufacturer and Wholesale - Wecare
NO.18 Dongfeng Road, Zhengzhou, China
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